Simon Thompson


AMGA Certified Single Pitch Instructor, AMGA Assistant Rock Guide, AMGA Apprentice Alpine Guide, AMGA Ice Instructor Course Graduate, New York State Licensed Guide, NYS Registered Nurse

Simon became interested in climbing after a family trip to Colorado in 2005. After a few more trips to CO and classes in Wilderness Education at SUNY Potsdam, he began seeking the experience necessary to become a climbing guide. His passion for climbing and thirst to gain experience took him on many trips to crags and peaks all over the United States including Yosemite, the Cascades, Tetons, RMNP, Red Rocks, Wind River Range, Red River Gorge, and White Mountains. In between trips he spends most of his time climbing at home in the Gunks and Adirondacks. Simon enjoys almost any type of climbing, but is most inspired by Alpine-style adventures and overnights in the big mountains. He is psyched to be able to share his knowledge and love for climbing while living out his dream of working as a professional guide.


Mike Cherry


Russ Clune