AMGA Certified Multi-Pitch Instructor

The Multi-Pitch Instructor (MPI) Course & Exam prepares candidates to guide multi-pitch climbs up to 4 pitches in length (not to exceed 400 ft total) that are not remote in nature, and have simple approaches and descents with minimal short-roping. This terrain covers many areas in the NorthEast and across the country. The MPI teaches climbing instructors to proficiently facilitate and instruct the sport of rock climbing in a multi pitch setting.

The program is for current, active rock climbers who have a real desire to teach rock climbing to novices in a single to multi-pitch setting.

MPI Certification requires a current SPI certification and participation in the 10 day Rock Guide Course. The MPI takes an additional 8 days to complete - not including the time in between the SPI Course (3), SPI Assessment (2) and RGC (10), making total requirements for the MPI to be 23 days. In addition, the MPI needs to have CPR and a Wilderness First Responder Certification or higher.


AMGA Certified Rock Instructor


AMGA Certified Rock Guide