Gunks Rock Weekend 2025
Take part in the Eight annual Gunks Rock Weekend, April 25, 26, 27, 28, 2025 and get ready for rock season!
Choose from multiple clinics on all the skills and techniques you need to get out on rock - from basic skills with top-roping, leading and multi-pitch climbs.
Any basic gear needed will be provided - helmets, harnesses, and rock shoes.
$210 per person per event for the one day group clinics
$250 per person for the Multipitch Day
$410 per person per event for the two-day clinics
As an added bonus - Rock and Snow will offer 15% off to all GRW registrants. All you need is to print out and show them the confirmation email we send when you register for it.
*there are no discounts extended in this event for Mohonk Preserve members. Day passes to the Mohonk Preserve are not provided.
Clinics & Events Schedule
Friday, April 25, 2025
One day clinic - Friday only
Climber’s Relf Reliance Skills
Self Reliance For Climbers
Issues can arise while climbing. What if weather or physical conditions make you want to get off a route? What if a partner needs help or is injured? What if rockfall damages the rope? Do you feel confident that you have the skills to get your team off a route when things don’t go as planned? Participants should already have an understanding of climbing systems including experience belaying a leader. Participants must provide their own gear including:
• 2 shoulder length runners
• 2 double length nylon runners
• 2 carabiners of choice for all the runners (8)
• 4 locking pear shaped carabiners
• 2 cordelettes - either 7mm x 22' nylon, or the thinner lighter hi-strength cord
• gri-gri w/small locking carabiner
• atc guide/reverso wit HMS locker
• rope - we will try to have some sort hanks but can't guarantee
Saturday, April 26, 2025
One day clinic - Saturday only
Introduction to Rock Climbing
Have you recently started rock climbing, or never climbed before? We will introduce you to the equipment, techniques and safety checks needed to rock climb.
Limited to 12 participant on a 4:1 climber-to-guide ratio. All equipment provided.
Saturday, April 26 & Sunday April 27, 2025
Two day clinic - Saturday and Sunday
Top Roping Anchoring
For climbers who are interested in getting out on your own top-roping, we are offering a two day clinics covering the skills you need to build natural and/or bolted top rope anchors.
This is a 2 day clinic held over both days this weekend, Saturday and Sunday.
Day 1 will cover: anchor selection with trees, boulders, and/or bolts, anchor building, tether lines, and basic belaying skill review
Day 2 will include: review and more practice of anchor building, rappelling off the anchor, ground management, belay skills.
Limited to 8 participants on a 4:1 climber-to-guide ratio. All equipment provided.
Introduction to Lead Climbing
Introduction to Lead Climbing - For experienced climbers looking to get out on the sharp end and start leading, we're offering a two day clinic in our lead climbing program. Over the two days we'll cover: gear placement, extension, and anchor building; methods of belaying and lowering off the anchor; mock leads and rappelling safety tips.
This is for climbers who have prior experience and are familiar with traditional gear removal, can tie the basic knots (figure eight and a clove hitch), and rappelling.
Participants will need to provide their own basic rack - nuts, cams, carabiners, slings, and cordellette - for use in the clinic.
Limited to 8 participants on a 4:1 climber-to-guide ratio. All basic equipment provided. Participants will need to provide their own climbing protection and other gear for leading/anchor building
Sunday, April 27, 2025
One day clinic - Sunday only
Intermediate Rock Climbing Skills
For climbers who have some previous experience and want to take it to a higher level, we'll show you more of the skills you need to climb more efficiently such as; improved climbing techniques for crack, face, overhangs, etc., seconding a lead - cleaning the gear, etc., multi-pitch techniques - knots for anchoring, stance management, etc., basic rope management, rappelling with a back up, and provide you with as much rock climbing as possible
Limited to 12 participants on a 4:1 climber-to-guide ratio. All equipment provided.
Monday, APRIL 28, 2025
Multi-Pitch Rock Climbing in the Trapps or Near Trapps
Looking to get out on some great routes in the Gunks that you haven't had a chance to yet, or aren't comfortable leading? We'll team you up with one other participant and your own private guide to set off and knock off some climbs!
Limited to 8 participants on a 2:1 climber-to-guide ratio. All equipment provided. Day passes to the Mohonk Preserve are not provided.